July 2024

SPARK: Seminar Platform for Adaptive Resilience Knowledge

Join us for our next seminar:

Impact of Hurricanes on Sea Level in Cuba: Numerical Modeling and Risk Reduction

Date/Time: Thursday, July 18th, 2024 11:00 AM EST

Speakers: Dr. Luis Fermín Córdova López and Dr. Vivian Elena Parnas



RSVP: Please fill out the online form by Friday, July 12th to register for the seminar. (https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=TaaTrQ2tzU6y_eU84VllvshyGYy0LNROk_l-gFU-qQdUMU9EUE83MlA2MUFBMEQ4U0c3NFFUVkhWTS4u) For online participants, the Teams link will be provided upon registration.

Contact: For more information, please contact Payam Momeni (pmomeni@uwo.ca). We look forward to seeing you there!